Witchpit - Becoming I
Witchpit - Becoming I

Witchpit – Becoming I

Diretamente da Carolina do Sul, a banda norte-americana Witchpit, acaba de lançar o seu mais recente single chamado ?Becoming I? que faz parte do álbum Forever Spoken lançado no passado dia 8 de Novembro.

I'm always happy to talk about bands like Witchpit again. Formed in 2015, the band has a strong and intense sound based on sludge, while at the same time incorporating stoner rock with a lot of depth and skill. Without a shadow of a doubt one of the coolest and most interesting bands on the scene today, it's worth keeping Witchpit on your musical radar.

The single is now available on the main digital platforms. Be sure to check out the beautiful music video.