Wretched Fate - Mind Desecrator
Wretched Fate - Mind Desecrator

Wretched Fate - Mind Desecrator

Today we will travel to the Nordic lands, more precisely to the lands known as Sweden, as we will present the band known as Wretched Fate!

Not being a beginner band here at MJ, it is important to say that here we have a band that knows the meaning of WEIGHT! They really know how to make a Death Metal of quality, without winding up and straight to the point, heavy, fast and with great speed, they know very well how to deliver very well produced and powerful songs, it is worth the audition.

In Mind Desecrator, we have exactly what we expected for knowing the band's history, a brutal sound without limits, aggressive vocals, allied to fast and extreme instrumentation, very well executed and well suited to a band of its kind, take the opportunity to revitalize your energies with this pancadaria in the form of music!