Categories: Festivals

BloodStock VIP 2025 News – L1nkn P4rk

Bloodstock Festival 2025 have just announced L1nkn P4rk to perform an exclusive VIP set in the Serpent’s Lair Bar on the Friday Night!

The L1nkn P4rk comes as the second announcement of four exclusive ‘Deadliner’ Tribute performances that will be taking place in the exclusive ‘Deadliner’ Tribute performances as the lead up to the limited 300 tickets to be released for the exclusive VIP bar at this years festival.

With Robbed Zombie set to perform on the thursday night of the festival it’s looking to be a fantastic weekend.

More Information about the Serpent’s Lair Bar Tickets can be found over on Bloodstock Tickets website. More announcements to come this week stay tuned.

Artists: L1nkn P4rk

Samantha Potts

West Yorkshire based music photographer. Working under the name Start The Penguin Photography since 2013. Specialised in music photography while studying a BA photography degree back in 2014. Ocassional jumping in to writing reviews too!

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