Categories: Live Reviews

Defects with Black Coast and Alchemize review, Manchester 2024

Tonight at the legendary venue Satans Hollow in Manchester is Defects, a five-piece metal band from the UK on tour for their new album Morden Error. Support from Nu-Metal band Black Coast and pop-metal Alchemize from the UK. 

Defects have just released their brand new Album Morden Error. It has recently been reviewed by Metal JunkBox DEFECTS ‘Modern Error’ Touring for a three-night special album headline tour in London, Birmingham and Manchester.


Starting tonight with Alchemize, The four-piece pop metal band starts and the crowd comes alive with everyone coming to the front of the stage. 

Throughout the set Alchemize didn’t settle for a moment with incredible vocals from Connor, Brandon and Adam, along with a perfect beat from George! Although the opening band, You would have believed these boys being on the scene for a long time with an incredible stage presence and warming the crowd up for Black Coast and Defects. 

Alchemize is one to watch and will be taking the music industry by storm! 

Black Coast

As soon as Black Coast gets on the stage you know this is going to be a hot heavy show. I don’t think I saw these five guys stop for a second. Every person in the audience was moving, head banging or singing back the words with friends jumping on stage to join in. 

Watching Black Coast was an absolute pleasure. Pits opened up and fans screaming back making sure everyone was warmed up and prepared for Defects. A band I will be adding to my playlist!


With the stage emptied and set up, Defects kicked in with the starting songs of their album. If you haven’t experienced Satans Hollow for a live show before bands perform in a circle in the middle of the room. Defects made sure to make a 360 show interacting with everyone from all around the circle for a truly intimate experience.

Performing their new album in full fans screamed back the words. Tony Maue’s vocals shine through their sound with Luke Genders giving amazing backing vocals and guitar solos. 

David Silver and James Threadwell didn’t once stop interacting with the crowd to give a truly incredible experience with Harry Jennings on the drums sounding incredible. 

The amount of love defects received from their show was such a special experience. Tony leads into some songs giving the story or meaning behind them. 

Announcing the final song was about to begin. A full around-the-room circle pit was started around the stage of Satans Hollow with band members and fans enjoying the final moments. 

Fans shouting “One more song” and “Start from the beginning” leading into Tony singing the chorus of Dream Awake again. 

I would highly recommend catching Alchemize and Black Coast. And most definitely Defects on any of their UK dates!

  • 14 Jun – Donnington UK, Download Festival
  • 17 Jun – Cardiff UK, The Globe w/Of Mice & Men
  • 18 Jun – Tunbridge Wells UK, Forum w/Of Mice & Men
  • 20 Jun – Strasbourg FR, Laiterie w/Of Mice & Men
  • 21 Jun  – Lille FR, Le Spendid w/Of Mice & Men
  • 22 Jun – Graspop BE, Graspop Metal Meeting
  • 24 Jun – Esch-Sur-Alzette LU, Rockhal w/Of Mice & Men
  • 26 Jun – Hannover DE, Musikzentrum w/Of Mice & Men
  • 27 Jun – Antwerp BE, Kavka w/Of Mice & Men
  • 03 – 06 Jul – Rockharz Festival – Ballenstedt, GERMANY
  • 16 – 18 Aug – Rock the Lakes Festival – Vallamand, SWITZERLAND

Photos and review by Samantha Potts

Artists: Defects

Samantha Potts

West Yorkshire based music photographer. Working under the name Start The Penguin Photography since 2013. Specialised in music photography while studying a BA photography degree back in 2014. Ocassional jumping in to writing reviews too!

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