Categories: FestivalsLive Reviews

Sum 41 Download Festival exclusive last UK festival performance 16.6.24 sunday

Sunday afternoon over at the mainstage at Download Festival. Gearing up is Canadian rock band Sum 41 for their last exclusive UK festival. 

First appearance in 2004, what a special 20 years a difference has made. Fans gather in the sticky mud plus we get a break in the rain for the heat! 

Kicking off their set with motivation with the +88 logo. Sum 41 is playing a set to make you think they aren’t going anywhere and are here to stay! 

Sum 41 put on a strong stage show with the entire fields covered with fans screaming back lyrics to ‘In Too Deep’ ‘Walking Disaster’ and finishing on the grand ‘Fat Lip’. We even get a fun cover of Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’

Reminding us this will be their last festival in the UK, which is met with booing from the crowd isn’t taken as the most loving compliment to this amazing band. We are hinted that we will be getting one last chance to see them later this year which in no doubt will sell out as fast as possible! 

It was a special moment to get to watch Sum 41 perform one last time. Check out their final album ‘Heaven :X: Hell’ and keep an eye out for their final announcement coming soon

Photos by Nick Davarias

Artists: Sum 41

Samantha Potts

West Yorkshire based music photographer. Working under the name Start The Penguin Photography since 2013. Specialised in music photography while studying a BA photography degree back in 2014. Ocassional jumping in to writing reviews too!

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