Devil in Me - On the Grind (2022)
Devil in Me - On the Grind (2022)

Devil in Me - On the Grind (2022)

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Straight from Lisbon Devil In Me released this year their latest album entitled On the Grind.
The band formed in 2004 is one of the pillars of Portuguese Hardcore that in itself already carries an incredible mystique, even more when it comes to Lisbon. After years of waiting On the Grind arrives like a tornado, full of aggressiveness, intensity the way the band got their fans used to. Heavy riffs, nervous screams, a kitchen full of Groove and overwhelming that remain during the ten songs spread out in a little less than twenty-five minutes, enough time for you to want to break the table of your house or kick a door.
For fans of bands like Terror , Hatebreed or Madball we have here an essential album to listen to in 2022, it's good to have Devil In Me back, I hope to see a live show of them soon, long life!