invoke deo ignoto album cover 1
invoke deo ignoto album cover 1

Invoke - Deo Ignoto (2022)

Celebrating twenty-five years of career, the Lisbon band Invoke released in January this year their second full-length entitled Deo Ignoto.
In late 2021 we had already checked the single "Children of an unknown God? which filled us with expectations, these expectations were confirmed with the arrival of Deo Ignoto, the album features eight songs all sung 100% in Portuguese which adds a huge identity in the band, with a sound based on Black Metal is easy to impact positively throughout the almost forty-eight minutes. We have here intense and visceral lyrics, powerful riffs, aggressiveness and melody in perfect balance and an amazing vocal by Pedro Dias.
Released by Amazing Records, Deo Ignoto is certainly one of the best extreme metal albums made in Portugal in recent years, check it out for yourself and confirm what I write.


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