Categories: Live Reviews

Live Review: Gogol Bordello at O2 Forum Kentish Town, London 2023

Gogol Bordellothe renowned gypsy punk band, returned to London, radiating an electrifying energy and unmistakable cultural diversity. That night, the band was not just a musical attraction; it was a vibrant phenomenon of cultural fusion.

Opening the show, Puzzled Panther and Peat & Diesel set the stage with their own infectious versions of punk and folk, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.

Quando Gogol Bordello subiu ao palco, liderados pelo carismático Eugene Hütz e sua icônica garrafa de vinho, a energia explodiu. A abertura com ?Sacred Darling?, seguida de ?I Would Never Wanna Be Young Again?, foi um turbilhão de vitalidade. O repertório foi uma jornada musical, desde clássicos pulsantes como ?My Companjera? e ?Immigraniada? até sucessos recentes como ?Fire on Ice Floe? e ?Focus Coin?. Cada música brilhava, enriquecida pela diversidade instrumental, desde o violino elétrico até a percussão vigorosa.

?Start Wearing Purple?, com seu refrão irresistível, não apenas uniu a multidão em um coro coletivo, mas também transformou o espaço em um mar de dança e celebração.

Em um momento de quietude emotiva, Eugene sentou-se para uma versão introspectiva de ?Solidarity?, refletindo sobre as realidades sombrias da guerra e da perda, uma pausa contemplativa no meio da energia frenética.

But, as expected, Gogol Bordello's London show served as a reminder of why the band has been so successful and long-lived: dynamic shows, a call for unity and a celebration of cultural diversity.

With each show, they not only entertain, but also unite people from all backgrounds through their vibrant music and message of unity. In a world where differences often divide us, Gogol Bordello reminds us of the unifying power of art.

Photos and review by Daniel Caceiro

Artists: Gogol Bordello

Daniel Caceiro

Born in Brazil and living in London, I co-founded and manage the UK and US sides of MetalJunkbox, specializing in concert photography, and promoting live events and launches by various artists. I?ve been a photographer since 2016 and I also act as the nerd of the team, taking care of the technical side of the project, and on top of all that, having the worst taste of the trio (or better)!

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