Jonathan Young - Witch Hunter
Jonathan Young - Witch Hunter

Jonathan Young - Witch Hunter

And we're off on the road, this time to the United States of America! Let's talk about a musician known as Jonathan Young!

Some bands are so good that they always come back, others become household names, and Jonathan Young is one of them ? I've been here on Metal Junkbox on other occasions, so here's a brief introduction to Jonathan Young for those who haven't had the chance to see or hear him:

Jonathan Young is a talented singer, producer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, who has become known for his YouTube covers of popular and nostalgic songs from Disney films, anime shows and video games, and now with this authorial work he surprises from the start with his quality and creativity.

Today's song is Witch Hunter, a song that manages to convey all the epic travel ambience that Jonathan loves to convey through his work. Here we have weight, creativity and a lot of intensity in an incredible and very well-produced song! Check it out: