Souls Extolled - Just Dreams
Souls Extolled - Just Dreams

Souls Extolled - Just Dreams

Let's take to the road and get to know the work of a band from Austin, Texas. We are talking about the band known as Souls Extolled!

We have to talk about this band, it is more than necessary to point out the work they do, that well done sound, with influences that go from progressive rock, alternative rock and Ska! Exactly that, a band that has the DNA of daring, mixed with the geniality of knowing how to use well all the elements combining creativity and musicality! A show apart that the band knows very well how to offer in a unique and remarkable way!

With all their versatility, in their single Just Dreams, we have a song that can be very agitated, great riffs and a very striking drums, allied to the excellent vocal of the band! We have a good balance of prog rock, with weight and a lot of power, I strongly recommend it!