State Of Trust - Embrace My Light
State Of Trust - Embrace My Light

State Of Trust - Embrace My Light

Let's travel directly to the Nordic lands of Scandinavia, more precisely to the country known as Norway, where we can find the band known as State Of Trust!

With a powerful, heavy, aggressive, full of speed, very well produced and modern sound, the band delivers everything the best we could want in a metal band! A sound that has a quality worthy of great bands of the scene, combined with a musical creativity and an impeccable execution that leaves no doubt that the musicians and their work can impress even the most demanding fans!

Embrace My Light, is a song that will grab your attention the very moment you give it your first play! The chances of not being impressed are null, add this to a song that knows where it wants to take you, intense, fast, with the weight in the most perfect measure, you feel the energy of the song pass through you and leave an impression worthy of many repeats in your player!!! Check it out!