While She Sleeps, Currents, thrown and Resolve at o2 Forum Kentish Town, London 2024

While She Sleeps ages like fine wine, from my first experience of the Sheffield group 12 years ago in a tiny venue in Kentish Town, the night band climbed to metal heights greatly and it was incredible to watch their growth. Being all excited and jolly I came to experience a special atmosphere created by all four bands, and I wasn’t wrong. Let me take you through this wonderful evening and tell you how magnificent it was.  


The evening started early with French metallers from Resolve. Their mix of metalcore and electronic tunes made the band sound exquisite and groovy. Combined with an amazingly designed light show from the very start made my head bop. Something that stood out very brightly for me was of phenomenal vocal of Anthony Dilliberto who can be recognised from previous collaborations with Siamese, ten56 and Paleface Swiss. He proved he is as phenomenal live as for example his guest spot in „Through my head” with Danes. Finally, the heavy breakdowns and incredible bass parts making walls shake made me want to discover them more and more – especially when their set ended on such a banger as „Older Days” is.  


From the brights of Resolve, we moved on to dark depths and a mysterious show that was served by the second band of the evening – Thrown from Sweden. Fast, heavy and banging music was accompanied by head bangs and fast moves from all band members. I cannot skip the fact I could finally experience being thrown in an original quartet with Buster Odenholm on drums who was simply impeccable. The accuracy that he delivered the performance was mind-blowing. Especially when “on the verge” hit – the venue started to dance and bop their heads like there is no tomorrow. Having the second chance to experience thrown in 2024, I feel like Swedes once again delivered a highly expressive show that made the crowd enjoy it a lot. By the end of their set lots of fans started to crowd surf and it felt the venue just got more elevated and hyped up to the max.  


The main support before While She Sleeps was Currents. Americans started on very high with emotional vibes and melodic guitars. After highly intense throws, Currents kept an intense mood and the crowd immediately proceeded to crowd surfing. In contrast the previous band, Currente felt calmer, more emotional but still powerful. They reminded me prime days of 2010 post-hardcore bands with musical harmonies, screamed and sung vocals. Any emo fan could feel content with their performance. The touching vibes were also paired nicely with subdued lighting and climactic haze. As a first-time listener of Currents – I got the impression they had a great, warming accent before the final act of the evening.  

While She Sleeps

While She Sleeps started in a truly anthemic way with the “PEACE OF MIND” intro and continued to “LEAVE ME ALONE” from their most recent album – “SELF HELL“. From the very beginning I sensed how much While She Sleeps cares about their stage presence and massiveness of the light show while keeping it amazing to fans. A giant wall of guitar cabinets, performing from the stage risers or Loz’s chained microphone stand made them look like seasoned rockstars they are. The stage design was incredibly well designed and elevated the show.  

Another part of the Thursday show that stole my heart was the brilliance of band and fans interactions. I couldn’t stop appreciating how amazing the vibe Loz had with the crowd and how the crowd was paying back by simply enjoying themselves through crowd surfing and chanting. The energy of both sides was getting more and more intense as the show progressed. And you can also tell how much unity there was in the air as well, I don’t remember the last time when I saw this much connection in the line artist – fans in very long time. Also, you can perceive how much While She Sleeps is  grateful towards fans gathered in the o2 Forum. The band did everything to prove their performance was immense and connect with every fan in the building. Simple interactions like reminding their fans to treat one another like family just make them special in my eyes and remind them that behind instruments there are caring people with lots of love for the world. 

Watching While She Sleeps play more songs – the big standout moment of the show was the self-titled 2024 release song – “SELF HELL“. It was beautiful to see how the venue waved the hands to the left and right in sync – from stalls to balcony – everyone was interacting with the band members. If that wasn’t enough – the powerful “SYSTEMATIC” started with beyond-massive green and white lighting pumping up the atmosphere. In the middle of the song crowd was asked to get down on their knees and jump when Loz gave a sign to do it so. The energy of it was colossal and fun. To slow it down band briefly came off stage and invited fans to light up their phones to the sounds of “Four Walls“. Lots of fans were raised by friends and/or partners’ backs and then the vocalist jumped into the crowd to perform with them.  

As the show was wrapping up – the band performed “Silence Speaks” while Anthony from Resolve joined as a guest vocalist, the emotional “TO THE FLOWERS” with a special dedication to an important person in Loz’s life; as the song started he had a bouquet of flowers his hands making it all so beautiful. And to wrap up the show – “Sleeps Society” kicked in on high. 

As I mentioned above – While She sleeps ages like fine wine. They became more anthemic and grandiose throughout the years. From my very first experience in 2012 to the final note of Thursday show I thoroughly enjoyed the whole spectacle. Every aspect of the show was well-planned and executed. The charisma of the vocalist and instrumentalists’ synergy was stealing people’s hearts all around. While She Sleeps performance has a deep meaning that leaves a mark for la ong. I reckon I will be coming back to their shows in the future to get that wholesome and special feeling repeatedly and to remind myself that the world and people living on this planet can have beautiful souls like the band members themselves.  

While She Sleeps Setlist

Venue: O2 Forum Kentish Town, London


  7. You Are We
  10. Four Walls
  11. DOWN
  12. Hurricane
  14. Silence Speaks

Artist: Currents, Resolve, thrown, While She Sleeps