Pocket Key - Emerald Eyes
Pocket Key - Emerald Eyes

Pocket Key - Emerald Eyes

Today we're going to one of the lands on this planet that we haven't explored enough, we're going to the United Arab Emirates!!! We're going to talk about the band Pocket Key!!!

What we bring you today is simply a very valuable band, a band that knows very well what it wants, that delivers incredible songs and with all its positive and very well-chosen influence of Hard Rock, AOR, Alternative Rock and much more! A combination of influences that creates a unique performance, full of highlights and a lot of feeling! Lovers of bands of this genre will certainly love them and those who don't know them will get to know an excellent band, check them out!!!

Emerald Eyes was the song that introduced us to the band's work. I'll start by saying, what a performance! What feeling, riffs and solos put together just right! The band spares no effort to deliver something original, intense and very well-crafted! Check it out ?