nekrogoblikon 2022 london 5
nekrogoblikon 2022 london 5

Nekrogoblikon @ The Underworld, Camden, UK

The kings of Goblin Metal came to London as part of their European tour and we had the opportunity to photograph the band at The Underworld in Candem.

The show was opened by 2 local bands: Regicide (Groove/Trash) and Primitai (Heavy Melodic), and to close the show the great John Goblikon and his band came to the crowd's delight. The house was packed, and the energy of the group after 2 great openings was easy to be felt, with great interaction, mixing hits that everyone wanted to see like Dressed as Goblins, Right Now and This is It, with songs from past albums, like Bears and No One survives, and closing with Powercore, throwing the adrenaline of the audience on top to close with a golden key.

Photos by Daniel Caceiro





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Artists: Nekrogoblikon
